Bridge Builders Community Foundations is committed to helping our communities thrive. Through strategic planning and the generosity of our donors, we strive to make best use of the funds entrusted to us through our grantmaking process.

Grant Timeline

Bridge Builders Community Foundations has an online application for its competitive grant process. This application opens in September of each year and closes in November. Awards are sent in December.


The link to the BBCF Grant Portal can be found here.

Available Grant Opportunities

Venango Area Community Foundation Discretionary Grants

This grant application is for programs/projects that serve Venango County.

This grant application is for programs/projects that support initiatives, events, and other services or activities identified as community needs in Forest County.

This grant application is for programs/projects that benefit Knox as a priority or Clarion County as a whole.

This grant application is for programs/projects that promote and support the trades, applied technology, apprenticeships, or nursing careers in Venango County.

This grant application is for programs/projects that will benefit underprivileged, orphaned, dependent, neglected, delinquent, and/or disadvantaged children first in Cooperstown Borough as a priority, or Utica Borough, Jackson Township, and Canal Township, or within a (5) mile radius thereof.

This grant application is for program/projects that will assist veterans residing in Venango County who have experienced economic distress, natural disaster, catastrophic loss, sudden loss of income, handicapped access, transportation, or emergency dental care.

This grant application is for program/projects that benefit the Punxsutawney area.

Grant Impact